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Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs
45,00 د.إ380,00 د.إ Select options

Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs

45,00 د.إ380,00 د.إ

  • Puffs: 8000
  • Size: 19*109mm
  • Pod Capacity: 14 ml
  • Output Voltage: 3.7V
  • Coil Resistance: 1.2ohm
  • Battery Capacity: 650mAh
  • Temperature Limits: -10℃ to +40℃

Free UAE shipping on all orders over AED 350

  • 5 days easy returns
  • Same Day Order Delivery Within 3 Hours
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Exploring Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs: Your Ultimate Guide

Vaping has become a popular trend worldwide, offering individuals an alternative to traditional smoking. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs has emerged as a favorite among vaping enthusiasts. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the specifications, features, flavors, and benefits of the Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs, along with how to order it in the UAE.

Benefits of Using Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs

  • Exceptional Flavor: The Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro offers a wide range of delicious flavors, allowing users to find their perfect match.
  • Long-Lasting Performance: With 8000 puffs per device, users can enjoy extended vaping sessions without the need for frequent replacements.
  • Convenience: The compact and portable design of the device makes it ideal for use on the go.
  • Easy to Use: The prefilled pods and simple operation make the Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro accessible to both beginners and experienced vapers.

Specifications of Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs

The Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs is designed to provide users with an enjoyable vaping experience. Here are some key specifications:

  • Pro – 8000 Puffs: With a generous puff count, users can enjoy an extended vaping session without the need for frequent replacements.
  • Size: Compact and portable, the Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro measures 19*109mm, making it convenient for on-the-go use.
  • Pod Capacity: Boasting a pod capacity of 14ml, users can savor their favorite flavors without the hassle of refilling frequently.
  • Output Voltage: The device operates at an output voltage of 3.7V, ensuring consistent performance with each puff.
  • Coil Resistance: Featuring a coil resistance of 1.2ohm, the Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro delivers smooth and flavorful vapor production.
  • Battery Capacity: Equipped with a 650mAh battery, users can enjoy prolonged vaping sessions without worrying about running out of power.
  • Temperature Limits: The device can withstand temperatures ranging from -10℃ to +40℃, ensuring optimal performance in various environments.

How to Use the Prefilled Al Fakher Crown Bar 8000 Puffs

Using the Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs is simple and straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Inhale gently from the mouthpiece to activate the device.
  2. Remove both the top and bottom protective caps from the device.
  3. The power indicator light will illuminate when vaping, indicating that the device is active.
  4. The power indicator light will turn off automatically after 10 seconds of inactivity.

Main Features of Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs

The Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs boasts several features that enhance the vaping experience:

  • Smart LED Indicator: The device is equipped with a smart LED indicator that provides real-time feedback on battery life and usage status.
  • Overtime Protection: To prevent overheating, the device features overtime protection that automatically shuts off after 10 seconds of continuous use.
  • Low-Voltage Protection: When the battery voltage drops below 3.7V, the device enters low-voltage protection mode to preserve battery life.

Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs in UAE

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs has become a popular choice among vaping enthusiasts. Its delicious flavors and long-lasting performance make it a favorite among users looking for an enjoyable vaping experience.

Flavors Available in Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs

The Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs is available in a variety of delicious flavors, including:

  • Berry Mint
  • Blackcurrant Ice
  • Blue Razz Lemonade
  • Cherry Fiesta
  • Grape Mint
  • Berry Ice
  • Lemon Mint
  • Lucid Dream
  • Lush Ice
  • Magic Love
  • Mango Ice
  • Mint
  • Peach Ice
  • Strawberry Punch
  • Sweet Passionfruit
  • White Flash
  • Gum Flavors
  • Two Apple
  • Gum Mint

Why Choose Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs?

The Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs stands out for its exceptional quality, long-lasting performance, and delicious flavors. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced vaper, this device offers a satisfying vaping experience.

Ordering in UAE

To order the Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs in the UAE, simply visit the Vape Dubai GO online store. With free delivery for orders above 350 AED, it’s never been easier to enjoy your favorite vaping products.


In conclusion, the Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs is a top choice for vaping enthusiasts in the UAE. With its impressive specifications, flavorful options, and convenient features, it delivers an unmatched vaping experience. Order yours today and experience the difference!

Vape Dubai GO

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Is the Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs refillable? No, it comes prefilled and is disposable after use.
  2. How long does the battery last on a single charge? The 650mAh battery provides ample power for extended vaping sessions.
  3. Can I choose my nicotine strength with the Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs? The device comes preloaded with 5% nicotine salt.
  4. Are there any special maintenance requirements for the device? No, simply dispose of the device after use.
  5. Is the Al Fakher Crown Bar Pro 8000 Puffs suitable for beginners? Yes, its user-friendly design makes it ideal for vapers of all experience levels.

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Additional information


Berry Mint, Blackcurrant Ice, Blue Razz Lemonade, Cherry Fiesta, Grape Mint, Berry Ice, Lemon Mint, Lucid Dream, Lush Ice, Magic Love, Mango Ice, Mint, Peach Ice, Strawberry Punch, Sweet Passionfruit, White Flash, Gum Flavors, Two Apple, Gum Mint


1 Pack / 1 Device, 10 Pack / 10 Device / Full Box


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